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Measuring Against National Standards

The Leapfrog Group works with national experts to establish standards to which all participating hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are measured against. Standard setting creates a goal post for all participating hospitals and ASCs to strive for and allows Leapfrog to include measures of processes, structures, and outcomes on our annual Surveys.

Leapfrog sets standard using peer reviewed literature and expert opinion, peer comparisons, and alignment with existing national standards or performance targets. 

2025 Leapfrog Hospital and ASC Survey Results will be displayed on July 25. Until then, 2024 Hospital and ASC Survey Results are displayed. 

Download the 2024 Leapfrog Hospital Survey Scoring Algorithms here

Download the 2024 Leapfrog ASC Survey Scoring Algorithms here.

Performance Categories

Performance on each measure on the Leapfrog Hospital Survey and the Leapfrog ASC Survey is placed into one of four performance categories:

  • Achieved the Standard (displayed as four filled bars)
  • Considerable Achievement (displayed as three filled bars)
  • Some Achievement (displayed as two filled bars)
  • Limited Achievement (displayed as one filled bar)

When Data Are Not Available

In some cases, a hospital or ASC may not have enough data to make a determination about performance, or the measure assesses performance on a service line not offered at the hospital or ASC. These terms are used when data are not available:

  • Does Not Apply: This term is used when a particular procedure is not performed (e.g., the facility doesn't perform colon surgery) or a service is not available (e.g., the facility does not have a labor and delivery unit to delivery newborns). 
  • Unable to Calculate Score: This term is used when data is reported, but it does not meet Leapfrog’s minimum reporting requirements (i.e. too few patients eligible to be included in the measure).

Additionally, if a procedure is not performed (i.e., knee surgery) at a hospital or ASC, no data is displayed under “Number of Procedures Performed Annually” when multiple facilities are being compared.

The following three terms are also used:

  • Did Not Measure: Facility reported not collecting data on this measure. 
  • Pending Leapfrog Verification: This term is used when Survey responses are undergoing Leapfrog’s standard verification process. 
  • Declined to Respond: This term is used when a hospital or ASC did not report on a measure or did not submit a Survey.